Check and Update the FastCAM 8 Drawing Editor

To check for an update to your FastCAM 8, first start by clicking on Help > Check for Updates

From there, if there is no update available you will receive a message similar to this:

However, if an update is available, a screen similar to the below one will pop up. To get the update, click Get New Version

Once you click Get New Version, FastCAM will begin downloading the update, which will show in the status bar

Once it finishes downloading, FastCAM will exit, and you will be prompted to extract the update. Click Extract

You will then be prompted to overwrite the currently existing file. Select Yes to All

Once that completes, you can relaunch FastCAM 8, and check the version update has worked by going to Help > About FastCAM menu, and checking the Version

With that you will have updated your FastCAM 8 Drawing editor!

You can also set it to check for updates automatically via the Setup > Options. 

Go to the General Settings, then under Program Updates, make sure Check for Updates is ticked, and set an Update Frequency

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