FastCAM 9 Features

You can find the full PDF on the features here: FastCAM 9 Features


Upgraded Auto-Nesting Engine

FastNEST 9 comes with a new nesting engine available, which can return highly optimized results in seconds. It can also allow much more flexible nesting directions and plate orientations.

This is such a large part of this update, that we have a separate instructional PDF this feature here:

FastNEST 9 Auto-Nest Instructions

FastPATH options relocated

For better ease of use, and speedier nesting, we have moved the FastPATH Settings to, by default, a fly out window on the right side of the screen. Here you will find all your automated pathing settings:

Multi Plate View

The Latest FastNEST 9 has the ability to show multiple plates easily at once. This allows you to quickly review your plates as they are nested

Easier Part Motion

Use the Quick move points on the edge of your Parts in FastNEST to quickly shift those parts


FastCAM Stencil Fonts

You can now input a default stencil font directly onto your drawings

FontGEN Integration

For more fonts, if you have a license of the latest FontGEN, you will be able to use this to directly bring in a Font of your choosing

A new dedicated Pan function has been added to the Ribbon into the Quick View group. Once selected the mouse cursor will turn into a HAND icon. To pan, simply click and hold the left mouse button and move the mouse around and the drawing will move with it

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