If you run into this problem when you attempt to optimize using FastCUT, it means the engine that backs FastCUT has lost its registration. To fix this, please follow these steps
Firstly, make sure you have Administrator privileges when performing the installation. If not please login with Administrator privileges and un-install and re-install.
If you do have Administrator privileges, then close FastCUT
Click on the Start Button under Windows, choose RUN from the list (programs -> Accessories -> RUN)
Type the following, depending on your OS:
For Windows 32 bit
For Windows 64 bit:
Then restart FastCUT and try a simple optimization.
If the above fails, then we need to check the registration of the Engine itself
1. Test from SYSWOW folder
a) Make sure the ONLY FCX51.exe is the one in your syswow folder (For 64 bit windows, "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\”)
b) Open a Command window as Administrator
c)Type or copy in:
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FCX51.exe" /regserver
Use your SYSWOW path
d) Try to rerun the program & Test
If that Fails, continue to the second test
2. Test from FastCUT folder
a) In the same command window from 1.b) type in
"C:\Windows\SysWOW64\FCX51.exe" /unregserver
b) Movethe FCX51.exe to the FastCUT Folder (usually located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\FastCUT\")
c) Type or copy in:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\FastCUT 6\FCX51.exe " /regserver
Or whatever your FastCUT Folder path is
d) Try to Re-Run the program & Test
If all of the above fails, please get in touch with FastCAM