Does new Fastcam 8 require USB dongle and admin elevation?

WMF Metal Fab shared this question 6 months ago

We have an oldish version of Fastcam 7.x and it has a USB dongle and requires admin rights in order to run. In a secure domain environment this is against new company policy.

So what is the story with the latest Fastcam v8? Does it still need a USB dongle or is it online subscription? Does the main program executable require elevated admin rights to run or can it now run normally?

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FastCAM 8 is licensed online, so there is no need for a dongle.

In most cases, FastCAM 8 does not require elevated access to run either. The install should be run as admin, so that permissions on relevant files, such as the background libraries, are created successfully. This should negate any need to run it in an elevated state.

That said, if the UAC is turned on, the virtual store will be in use, but FastCAM will still work.



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