Not getting smooth lines when importing dxf file into FastCam

Kodanda Ramireddy dhaka shared this question 5 years ago
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I am new to FastCAM and learning through various resources available on internet. Curretly I am facing issue with dxf files. when I have imported dxf files into fastCam, curves are not smooth. However same drawing looks fine when I opened in autoCAD and all the curves are smooth. Please find the video here:

showing the problem. I have tried CAD compress functionality but not luck. Could some one please guide me or give any suggestions in resolving the issue?

Thank you in advance..

Comments (2)


Hi Kodanda,

Are you able to email the DXF file you're working with? you can email it to

This like likely an issue with and older version of the software handling a relatively newer version of DXF file.

What version of FastCAM are you using?

You can follow this article for identifying your software version.


FastCAM Support.


Hi Jackson,

Thank you for your quick reply. I just emailed you the dxf file. The FastCam version that I am using is 7.2.48.


Hi Jackson,

I have just now converted the dxf files in different versions (LT 2000 DXF, LT 2007 DXF, LT 2010 DXF, LT 2013 DXF, LT 2018 DXF) using Auto CAD, however I see no difference in FastCAM. I didn't get smooth lines in any of the format.



I have the same issue as Kodanda.

Software vers is 7.2.51. Is there anything I can do about it?



Hi Iulian,

Are you also working with DXF files that have "Splines" objects defined?

In AutoCAD software itself, it is normal to use AutoCAD's "EXPLODE" feature to convert Splines objects back to lines and arcs, and then it will be a very portable DXF.

Sometimes (Unfortunately Often) this step is skipped.

Whilst FastCAM7 does have the ability to convert Spline objects back to lines and arcs but this has a fixed resolution, so it can appear jagged.

If you have access to AutoCAD you can research into AutoCAD's "EXPLODE", once you remove the Splines and convert back to lines and arcs, you can import that DXF into FastCAM7.

You can as well look at purchasing FastCAM8.

FastCAM8 has additional option to toggle the resolution for Splines conversion, allowing smaller lines to more closely approximate the Spline's curves.

FastCAM Support.

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